Principal Note

The School motto is Educate and Enlighten. Education does not confine to mere teaching of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. It is a comprehensive process. Education in the true,
St.Joseph's High School, Ramanthapur was established in the year 1979 and is being run by St.Joseph's Academy, Regd.No.913/79. It is a Christian minority institution. The motto of the school is "Educate and Enlighten". The comprehensive aim and objective of the institution is to provide holistic education to all the students by imparting excellent academic teachings coupled with values. Ever since its inception the school has been bringing out well groomed and academically excellent students who are well placed both in India and abroad. The correspondent Mrs. G. Suneela Obadiah and her team of governing body members are on the helm to steer the institution for further success and achievment. The school has classes from L.K.G to X. All the classes have four sections which are recognised by the Govt. of Telangana State.
The school is run in four imposing buildings.All the class rooms are spacious, well ventilated, well furnished and fitted with fans and tube lights. Separate well equipped halls are provided for computer, library and laboratory. The school has 17 smart class boards to provide e-learning. The school has two indoor play areas and a mini play ground to provide physical education. Sufficient, neat and clean toilets are provided for all the students.